Friday, August 13, 2010

Back to crafting!

I'm on the job hunt at the moment so I have some time to try out a few new crafts. I'll hopefully be selling versions of these (and more!) on my Etsy store at some point soon.

My 'feltidermy' (as coined by another etsy artist) friend Anton. Made from felt, cardboard and wire.

Diorama! I'm a bit obsessed with dioramas at the moment so I made this one. Its made of polymer clay, felt and a tin and glass box. It hangs on the wall.

Acorn earrings made from buttons, beads and wire.

Monday, December 7, 2009

New Portfolio Site!

My official portfolio site is now up and running! Be sure to check that out at There, you can also download a pdf of my portfolio and my updated resume.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Portfolio site concept

I wanted to create a unique interactive environment to showcase my work and have viewers get to know me a bit. What resulted was a really fun site with some neat things to play with. I may end up expanding on the idea to create three interactive "worlds" and later on this feature would be a part of my site.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Long's Horseradish- The Secret Ingredient Has No Shelf Life- Arielle Trager & Elizabeth Garcia

We created a business solution for Long's Horseradish; a product that is not currently sold in stores nationwide due to it's goal of absolute freshness. Through a combination of a custom made space in Whole Food and Real Foods stores, a touch screen 'virtual shelf' application, co-branding through the store and recommendations on how to best enjoy the product; Long's will have a way to connect with and inspire natural and fine food shoppers everywhere. Our campaign won a bronze pencil at the 2009 One Show Student Competition for Innovative Marketing.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Eggo Waffles- "Make your own damn breakfast"

Eggo waffles are the easiest breakfast to make. The kids can prepare them themselves, giving a parent some much needed rest. This 1950's style campaign shows the plight of the house wife, a feeling modern parents can still relate to.

Threadless- "Graphic to a tee"

Threadless is a t-shirt company that holds an open call for entries to artists of all different skill levels. A design is submitted, the community votes on it and limited addition t- shirts are printed and sold. The creativity of their shirts have no limit. They are the opposite of "name brand". What they 'say' is in the artwork not printed on the shirt and there are no large logos or advertisements for the company. They are art that you wear.

Scrubbing Bubbles automatic shower cleaner- "Shower Maid" - Arielle Trager & Nick Tan

Scrubbing Bubbles Automatic Shower Cleaner cleans your shower with a push of a button. It is meant for regular maintenance so your shower never gets dirty. Our ad spot elaborates on this idea by way of 'the shower maid', a permanent fixture, no matter how awkward.

Green Dog Naturals- "Know your dog inside and out" - Arielle Trager & Brian Pike

We created several interactive,educational tools for Green Dog Naturals dog vitamins. Owners love their dogs and care for them the best they can but sometimes they forget to look deeper. Our interactive kiosk will be placed in dog parks for owners (and dogs!) to play with and learn from. Our Doggie Decoder iphone app will be a way to investigate your dog's behavior while on the go. Purchasing dog supplements for deeper dog care is a natural next step. The client selected our campaign to receive 2nd place in their contest.

Virgin America- The SIMS, Jet Set Co-branding-Arielle Trager & Jonathan Chavez

We wanted to tap into a new market of over 58 million people; game enthusiasts. We created a Virgin America branded Sims game. In the game, players get a virtual experience of the Virgin lifestyle, traveling to the hottest cities virgin flies to, meeting new people, shopping, partying, trendsetting and then getting on their Virgin flight to recharge and relax before doing it all again. Games would be sold and marketed like any other EA game. Discount flight vouchers would be included with each game so that when a player is done experiencing Virgin virtually, they can try a real flight the next time they travel.

Amazon Kindle- "Bookshelf"- Arielle Trager & Nick Tan

The Amazon Kindle digital reader holds 1000's of books, magazines and newspapers. It is truly an ideal tool for any reading enthusiast. Having a Kindle with you is like carrying your entire library around at all times. Our ad spot illustrates the equivalent of owning a kindle if kindle didn't exist. This commercial was chosen as a finalist at the AAU School of Advertising Spring Show 2009.